PV MODULE(490-715W)
KLD-NW series bifacial PV module can make better use of solar energy resources. Each side of the bifacial module has been specially designed to maximize the absorption rate, which can increase the efficiency by up to 20%.
Single-crystal silicon cells with low risk of hot spots can effectively minimize the impact of power output when the panel is shaded by shadows.
210mm silicon wafers and 132/120 bifacial half-cut cells for higher power generation.
Gains are increased by generating power at the both sides, higher power generation and lower system cost can reduce the levelized cost of energy.
N type, bifacial and 210 optional; suitable for various types of roofs; fixed and tracking type optional.
Gains are increased by generating power at the both sides, higher power generation and lower system cost can reduce the levelized cost of energy.
Bifacial modules with up to 20% returns, higher efficiency and more power generation.
N/P module real-time ambient temperature
KLD-NW Series Bifacial 210 Module Electrical Performance Parameter
Model | Maximum output power (Pmax) | Optimal operating voltage(Vmp) | Optimal operating current(Imp) | Open circuit voltage (Voc) | Short-circuit current (Isc) | Module efficiency | |
KLD-NW580 | 580W | 34.1V | 17.02A | 40.5V | 18.27A | 20,50% | |
Bifacial return increase |
5% | 609W | 34.1V | 17.87A | 40.5V | 19.18A | 21.50% |
10% | 638W | 34.1V | 18.72A | 40.5V | 20.10A | 22.50% | |
20% | 696W | 34.1V | 20.42A | 40.5V | 21.92A | 24.60% | |
KLD-NW590 | 590W | 34.5V | 17.11A | 40.9V | 18.37A | 20.80% | |
Bifacial return increase |
5% | 620W | 34.5V | 17.98A | 40.9V | 19.29A | 21.90% |
10% | 649W | 34.5V | 18.82A | 40.9V | 20.21A | 22.90% | |
20% | 708W | 34.5V | 20.53A | 40.9V | 22.04A | 25.00% | |
KLD-NW600 | 600W | 34.9V | 17.20A | 41.3V | 18.47A | 21.20% | |
Bifacial return increase |
5% | 630W | 34.9V | 18.06A | 41.3V | 19.39A | 22.30% |
10% | 660W | 34.9V | 18.92A | 41.3V | 20.32A | 23.30% | |
20% | 720W | 34.9V | 20.64A | 41.3V | 22.16A | 25.40% | |
KLD-NW605 | 605W | 35.1V | 17.25A | 40.5V | 18.52A | 21.40% | |
Bifacial return increase |
5% | 635W | 35.1V | 18.11A | 41.5V | 19.45A | 22.40% |
10% | 666W | 35.1V | 18.98A | 41.5V | 20.37A | 23.50% | |
20% | 726W | 35.1V | 20.07A | 41.5V | 22.22A | 25.70% | |
KLD-NW610 | 610W | 35.3V | 17.29A | 41.7V | 18.57A | 21.60% | |
Bifacial return increase |
5% | 641W | 35.3V | 18.15A | 40.7V | 19.50A | 22.60% |
10% | 671W | 35.3V | 19.02A | 40.7V | 20.43A | 23.70% | |
20% | 732W | 35.3V | 20.75A | 40.7V | 22.28A | 25.90% | |
KLD-NW690 | 690W | 39.6V | 17.43A | 47.5V | 18.39A | 22.20% | |
Bifacial return increase |
5% | 725W | 39.6V | 18.30A | 47.5V | 19.31A | 23.30% |
10% | 759W | 39.6V | 19.17A | 47.5V | 20.23A | 24.40% | |
20% | 828W | 39.6V | 20.92A | 47.5V | 22.07A | 26.70% | |
KLD-NW700 | 700W | 40.0V | 17.51A | 47.9V | 18.49A | 22.50% | |
Bifacial return increase |
5% | 730W | 40.0V | 18.39A | 47.9V | 19.41A | 23.70% |
10% | 770W | 40.0V | 19.26A | 47.9V | 20.34A | 24.80% | |
20% | 840W | 40.0V | 21.01A | 47.9V | 22.19A | 27.0% |
KLD-NW Series Bifacial 210 Module Electrical Performance Parameter
Maximum output power (Pmax):580W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):34.1V
Optimal operating current(Imp):17.02A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):40.5V
Short-circuit current (Isc):18.27A
Module efficiency:20.50%
Bifacial return increase:5%
Maximum output power (Pmax):609W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):34.1V
Optimal operating current(Imp):17.87A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):40.5V
Short-circuit current (Isc):19.18A
Module efficiency:21.50%
Bifacial return increase:10%
Maximum output power (Pmax):638W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):34.1V
Optimal operating current(Imp):18.72A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):40.5V
Short-circuit current (Isc):20.10A
Module efficiency:22.50%
Bifacial return increase:20%
Maximum output power (Pmax):696W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):34.1V
Optimal operating current(Imp):20.42A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):40.5V
Short-circuit current (Isc):21.92A
Module efficiency:24.60%
Maximum output power (Pmax):590W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):34.5V
Optimal operating current(Imp):17.11A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):40.9V
Short-circuit current (Isc):18.37A
Module efficiency:20.80%
Bifacial return increase:5%
Maximum output power (Pmax):620W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):34.5V
Optimal operating current(Imp):17.98A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):40.9V
Short-circuit current (Isc):19.29A
Module efficiency:21.90%
Bifacial return increase:10%
Maximum output power (Pmax):649W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):34.5V
Optimal operating current(Imp):18.82A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):40.9V
Short-circuit current (Isc):20.21A
Module efficiency:22.90%
Bifacial return increase:20%
Maximum output power (Pmax):708W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):34.5V
Optimal operating current(Imp):20.53A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):40.9V
Short-circuit current (Isc):22.04A
Module efficiency:25.00%
Maximum output power (Pmax):600W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):34.9V
Optimal operating current(Imp):18.06A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):41.3V
Short-circuit current (Isc):18.47A
Module efficiency:21.20%
Bifacial return increase:5%
Maximum output power (Pmax):630W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):34.9V
Optimal operating current(Imp):18.06A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):41.3V
Short-circuit current (Isc):19.39A
Module efficiency:22.30%
Bifacial return increase:10%
Maximum output power (Pmax):660W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):34.9V
Optimal operating current(Imp):18.92A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):41.3V
Short-circuit current (Isc):20.32A
Module efficiency:23.30%
Bifacial return increase:20%
Maximum output power (Pmax):720W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):34.9V
Optimal operating current(Imp):20.64A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):41.3V
Short-circuit current (Isc):22.16A
Module efficiency:25.40%
Maximum output power (Pmax):605W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):35.1V
Optimal operating current(Imp):17.25A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):40.5V
Short-circuit current (Isc):18.52A
Module efficiency:21.40%
Bifacial return increase:5%
Maximum output power (Pmax):635W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):35.1V
Optimal operating current(Imp):18.11A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):41.5V
Short-circuit current (Isc):19.45A
Module efficiency:22.40%
Bifacial return increase:10%
Maximum output power (Pmax):666W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):35.1V
Optimal operating current(Imp):18.98A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):41.5V
Short-circuit current (Isc):20.37A
Module efficiency:23.50%
Bifacial return increase:20%
Maximum output power (Pmax):726W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):35.1V
Optimal operating current(Imp):20.07A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):41.5V
Short-circuit current (Isc):22.22A
Module efficiency:25.70%
Maximum output power (Pmax):610W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):35.3V
Optimal operating current(Imp):17.29A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):41.7V
Short-circuit current (Isc):18.57A
Module efficiency:21.60%
Bifacial return increase:5%
Maximum output power (Pmax):641W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):35.3V
Optimal operating current(Imp):18.15A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):40.7V
Short-circuit current (Isc):19.50A
Module efficiency:22.60%
Bifacial return increase:10%
Maximum output power (Pmax):671W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):35.3V
Optimal operating current(Imp):19.02A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):40.7V
Short-circuit current (Isc):20.43A
Module efficiency:23.70%
Bifacial return increase:20%
Maximum output power (Pmax):732W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):35.3V
Optimal operating current(Imp):20.75A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):40.7V
Short-circuit current (Isc):22.28A
Module efficiency:25.90%
Maximum output power (Pmax):690W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):39.6V
Optimal operating current(Imp):17.43A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):47.5V
Short-circuit current (Isc):18.39A
Module efficiency:22.20%
Bifacial return increase:5%
Maximum output power (Pmax):725W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):39.6V
Optimal operating current(Imp):18.30A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):47.5V
Short-circuit current (Isc):19.31A
Module efficiency:23.3%
Bifacial return increase:10%
Maximum output power (Pmax):759W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):39.6V
Optimal operating current(Imp):19.17A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):47.5V
Short-circuit current (Isc):20.23A
Module efficiency:24.4%
Bifacial return increase:20%
Maximum output power (Pmax):828W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):39.6V
Optimal operating current(Imp):20.92A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):47.5V
Short-circuit current (Isc):22.07A
Module efficiency:26.70%
Maximum output power (Pmax):700W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):40.0V
Optimal operating current(Imp):17.51A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):47.9V
Short-circuit current (Isc):18.49A
Module efficiency:22.50%
Bifacial return increase:5%
Maximum output power (Pmax):730W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):40.0V
Optimal operating current(Imp):18.39A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):47.9V
Short-circuit current (Isc):19.41A
Module efficiency:23.70%
Bifacial return increase:10%
Maximum output power (Pmax):770W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):40.0V
Optimal operating current(Imp):19.26A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):47.9V
Short-circuit current (Isc):20.34A
Module efficiency:24.80%
Bifacial return increase:20%
Maximum output power (Pmax):840W
Optimal operating voltage(Vmp):40.0V
Optimal operating current(Imp):21.01A
Open circuit voltage (Voc):47.9V
Short-circuit current (Isc):22.19A
Module efficiency:27.00%